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Query Complexity

Baeta provides a query complexity analysis system that helps protect your GraphQL API from resource-exhausting queries. It calculates the complexity of incoming queries and rejects those that exceed configured limits.

Key Features

  • Automatic complexity calculation for all fields
  • Customizable complexity per field
  • Dynamic limits based on context
  • List operation handling with multipliers
  • Depth and breadth limitations
  • Context-aware complexity rules


yarn add @baeta/extension-complexity

Basic Setup

  1. Create the Extension
import { createExtensions } from "@baeta/core";
import { complexityExtension } from "@baeta/extension-complexity";
import type { Context } from "./types/context";

const complexity = complexityExtension<Context>({
// Default complexity score for fields
defaultComplexity: 1,
// Multiplier applied to list fields
defaultListMultiplier: 10,
// Dynamic limits based on context
async limit(ctx) {
return {
depth: 10, // Maximum query depth
breadth: 50, // Maximum number of fields at each level
complexity: 1000, // Maximum total complexity score
// Alternatively, use static limits
// limit: {
// depth: 10,
// breadth: 50,
// complexity: 1000,
// }
  1. Afterwards register it
import { createExtensions } from "@baeta/core";
import { complexity } from "./complexity-extension";
import { authExt } from "./auth-extension";

export default createExtensions(
//... other extensions

Consider placing complexity checks before authorization. This can prevent unnecessary permission checks on queries that would be rejected for being too complex anyway.

  1. Point Baeta to registered extensions (if you haven't already)
export default defineConfig({
graphql: {
extensions: "src/extensions/index.ts",
// ... other config

Customizing Complexity Rules

Field-Level Configuration

You can customize complexity rules for specific fields or types:

import { getUserModule } from "./typedef";

const { Query } = getUserModule();

// Disable complexity calculation for specific field
Query.user.$complexity(() => false);

// Custom complexity score for specific field
Query.users.$complexity(({ args, ctx }) => ({
complexity: 1, // Base complexity score
multiplier: 5, // Custom multiplier for list operations

Dynamic Complexity Rules

Complexity rules can be determined dynamically based on context or arguments:

Query.users.$complexity(({ args, ctx }) => {
return {
complexity: 1,
multiplier: args.limit,

How Complexity is Calculated

  1. Each field has a base complexity (default: 1)
  2. List fields are multiplied by the list multiplier
  3. Nested fields add to the total complexity
  4. The total is compared against the configured limit


query {
users(first: 10) {
# complexity: 1 * 10 (multiplier)
name # complexity: 1 * 10 (inherited multiplier)
posts {
# complexity: 1 * 10 * 10 (nested list)
title # complexity: 1 * 10 * 10 (inherited multiplier)
# Total complexity: 210