Extend modules
One of the powerful features of Baeta is the ability to extend existing modules. In this guide, we'll extend our user module by adding photo capabilities.
1. Define Extension Schema
Create a new schema file at src/modules/user-photos/user-photos.gql
type UserPhoto {
id: ID!
url: String!
extend type User {
photos: [UserPhoto!]
Use the extend keyword to add new fields to existing types from other modules.
2. Generate Types
Generate TypeScript definitions for your new schema:
yarn generate
If you are using the watch mode, types will be automatically generated on each change.
3. Add Resolver
Create src/modules/user-photos/resolvers.ts
to implement the photos field:
import { getUserPhotosModule } from "./typedef";
const { User } = getUserPhotosModule();
User.photos(({ args, root, info, ctx }) => {
return [
id: "1",
url: "https://baeta.io/img/logo.svg",
4. Export Module
Create src/modules/user-photos/index.ts
to export your extension module:
import "./resolvers";
import { getUserPhotosModule } from "./typedef";
export const userPhotosModule = getUserPhotosModule();
Remember that @baeta/plugin-autoload can automatically handle module loading and exports for you.
Project Structure
Your extended modules should now look like this:
├── user/
│ ├── user.gql
│ ├── resolvers.ts
│ ├── typedef.ts
│ └── index.ts
└── user-photos/
├── user-photos.gql
├── resolvers.ts
├── typedef.ts
└── index.ts
Next Steps
Let's wrap everything up and see how to use our modules.