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Extend modules

One of the powerful features of Baeta is the ability to extend modules with other modules. Let's extend our user module with a user-photos module.

We create a new schema file at src/modules/user-photos/user-photos.gql:

type UserPhoto {
id: ID!
url: String!

extend type User {
photos: [UserPhoto!]

Generate types again and then we create a resolver for the photos field in src/modules/user-photos/resolvers.ts:

import { getUserPhotosModule } from './typedef';

const { User } = getUserPhotosModule();{ args, root, info, ctx }) => {
return [
id: '1',
url: '',

Next, we export the userPhotosModule in src/modules/user-photos/index.ts:

import './resolvers';
import { getUserPhotosModule } from './typedef';

export const userPhotosModule = getUserPhotosModule();