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First Module

Learn how to create your first GraphQL module with Baeta. We'll create a simple user module to demonstrate Baeta's schema-first and modular approach.

Creating a Module

1. Define Schema

Create your first schema file at src/modules/user/user.gql:

type User {
id: ID!
name: String!

type Query {
user(id: ID): User

You can split your schema into multiple files (types, inputs, queries) as your module grows.

2. Generate Types

Generate TypeScript definitions for your schema:

yarn generate
# or
yarn baeta generate

This creates src/modules/user/typedef.ts with all necessary type definitions.


Baeta can watch for changes with the --watch flag.

3. Add Resolver

Create src/modules/user/resolvers.ts to implement your query:

import { getUserModule } from "./typedef";

const { Query } = getUserModule();

Query.user(async (params) => {
return {
id: ?? "id",
name: "John Doe",

4. Export Module

Create src/modules/user/index.ts to export your module:

import "./resolvers";
import { getUserModule } from "./typedef";

export const userModule = getUserModule();

You can use @baeta/plugin-autoload to automatically load resolvers and modules. This eliminates the need to manually import resolvers and export modules, making development faster and less error-prone.

Project Structure

Your module should now look like this:

├── user.gql # Schema definition
├── resolvers.ts # Query/Mutation implementations
├── typedef.ts # Auto-generated types
└── index.ts # Module export

Next Steps

Now that you have your first module, learn how to extend it with another module.