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First module

Baeta is a schema-first and modular framework, where each module has its own schema definitions and resolvers. In this guide, we will cover how to create your first module and extend it with another module.

Create module schema

A module can have multiple schema files, so there are many ways to organize it. One way is to separate files for types, inputs, and operations.

Let's start with a simple schema file for our user module at src/modules/user/user.gql:

type User {
  id: ID!
  name: String!

type Query {
  user(id: ID): User

Generate types

After creating the schema, we need to generate the type definitions for the module. We can do this with the following command:

yarn generate
# or
yarn baeta generate

This command will generate an autogenerated file src/modules/user/typedef.ts that contains the type definitions of the module.

Baeta can watch for changes with the --watch flag.

Add resolver

Now we can add a resolver for the user query field in src/modules/user/resolvers.ts:

import { getUserModule } from './typedef';

const { Query } = getUserModule();

Query.user(async (params) => {
  return {
    id: ?? 'id',
    name: 'John Doe',

We import the getUserModule function from our autogenerated typedef.ts file, and use it to access the Query type. We then add a resolver for the user field that returns a hardcoded user object with an id and name.

Exporting the module and registering resolvers

Next, we need to export the module and register its resolvers in src/modules/user/index.ts:

import './resolvers';
import { getUserModule } from './typedef';

export const userModule = getUserModule();