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Input Directives

While GraphQL doesn't natively support modifying query arguments and inputs through directives, Baeta provides a utility called Input Directives that enables this functionality.

Target Types

Input directives can target different types of inputs:

  • scalar: For primitive values like numbers, strings, etc.
  • list: For array values
  • object: For complex object inputs

Defining Input Directives

First, define your input directive in the schema:


directive @increment(by: Int!) on INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION | ARGUMENT_DEFINITION

type Query {
testIncrementDirective(value: Int! @increment(by: 1)): Int!

Implementing Input Directives

Use the createInputDirective utility from @baeta/core to implement the directive's behavior:


import { createInputDirective } from "@baeta/core";
import type { Context } from "../../types/context";
import { getCustomInputDirectiveModule } from "./typedef";

const { $directive, Query } = getCustomInputDirectiveModule();

const incrementDirective = createInputDirective<{ by: number }, Context>({
name: "increment",
target: "scalar",
resolve: ({ directiveConfig, getValue, setValue }) => {
const value = getValue();
if (typeof value === "number") {
setValue(value +;


Query.testIncrementDirective(({ args }) => {
return args.value;

How It Works

The input directive processes the input value before it reaches the resolver:

  1. getValue() retrieves the original input value.
  2. The directive logic modifies the value.
  3. setValue() updates the input value.


When querying, the directive will modify the input before it reaches the resolver:

query {
testIncrementDirective(value: 5) {
# value will be incremented to 6 before reaching the resolver

This feature is particularly useful for input validation and data transformation.

For more examples and implementations, visit the Baeta directives examples.