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Prisma Plugin

The Prisma plugin automates Prisma client generation when your schema changes, streamlining your development workflow and CI/CD pipelines.


yarn add @baeta/plugin-prisma -D


Enable prisma plugin in your baeta.ts:

import { defineConfig } from "@baeta/cli";
import { autoloadPlugin } from "@baeta/plugin-autoload";

export default defineConfig({
// ... other config
plugins: [
prismaSchema: "schema.prisma",
generatedSchemaPath: "src/__generated__/prisma/schema.prisma", // OR node_modules/@prisma/client/schema.prisma
generateCommand: "prisma generate", // this is the default value

How It Works

The plugin will automatically:

  • Watch for changes in your Prisma schema
  • Generate the client when changes are detected
  • Place the generated files in the specified path

Push schema to the database

Replace generateCommand with prisma db push, this will generate the client and push the schema to the database.